Actor Wagner Moura (Elite Squad and Elysium) has been tapped to play Bozo the tv clown. The show featuring the clown ran from the 1960’s all the way to the 80’s in the USA, Mexico and Brazil, with each country starring its own Bozo.
According to Omelete, Moura is set to play one of the Brazilian Bozo’s although the actor didn’t specify which one, but the site speculates it is “Arlindo Barreto, the most famous Brazilian Bozo, who got himself into a cocaine addiction in the 80′s and today is a pentecostal preacher”.
Daniel Rezende will be making his directorial debut after a career in editing (Elite Squad, City of God, The Motorcycle Diaries and the RoboCop reboot).
The actor says that the Bozo project will begin “after he wraps the Triple Frontier movie that José Padilha (RoboCop) will shoot this year.”
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