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Hello all!  Hope you had a great weekend!  I think I finally kicked the flu on Friday.  Just in time for the Mr's birthday.  In which I made these:

They were pretty yummy and I think they look pretty too.  I just learned a month or so ago that if I started in the center instead of the outside that the cakes look like roses.   The rose ones are golden cake with fudge frosting and the light swirly ones are golden cake with salted caramel frosting... sprinkled with just a bit of salt.  YUM... I love sweet and salty.

If I had all the time in the world, I would perfect my cupcaking abilities and have a little cupcake store... maybe out of Hazel!  Ah... but until I figure out how to stay up all hours and still be a good mommy and wife, I will not pursue cupcakery.  

I didn't get much painted last week due to the nasty bug, but I made up for it today... 2 pieces!  And, I hope to start on another before the bambino awakes tomorrow.  I also listed the propaganda poster

in my etsy shop today.  So if you want one, scoot right on over there and grab one!  I also bought some navy paint to start on some things for baby hughes' big boy room... I hope I can start it soon... we will see.  Have a great last week of September... sniff... I can't believe I wasted a whole week of my favorite month sick!!

bye for now!

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