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Daisy's Doggie Awards

Happy Saturday to you.  Today is Daisy's day and she wants to
invite you to enter your dog for a Doggie Award

 This is the most simple contest to enter.  Just tell us you have a dog
and you could win this . . .
A custom made bandanna with your dogs name!  How cool is that.
You have a whole month to enter your dog.  Just come by and lure us over to visit your blog and meet your dog.  How simple is that?

Daisy's going to be visiting around today and adding photo's of her

Have a Happy Saturday here's a couple of new friends

★★★ Post a FUN CAPTION for this photo! ★★★  We hope that you're all enjoying the weekend! Have some Saturday fun and get those creative minds working! Post away, 3-2-1, GO! :)  David - I Love My Dog

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