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A Little Late On the Update

Finally massed to get the basecoat
Finished on 12 figures; 6 more to go and I'll have my serpent squads complete.
I plan on upgrading a squad with the vyper upgrade which makes the unit champions and gives them powered armour on top of their already magnificent refractor field invul 5+ save
2/3 melts guns thus far. 
Next I'll be working on 
2 Eoan hire hearts, and an irric true shot; 
They appear to be wearing powered armour and so they get the nod from me for priority
To complete the viper squad I'll take Elres fireflash as their leader
After that a couple of commander inghin  keen tongue models and that's all my serpent squads complete.
It was important for me to include figures with at least passable powered armour for the vyper squad; what you see is what you get is an important rule which I endeavour to follow.
Well that's it for now, hopefully I'll get the chance to get the 6 models finished for New Years. Hopefully, not likely. 

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